
So, it’s still dark at 6.30am. I know this because a child who I sometimes describe as The Legend decided to wake up at 5.40am and nothing was going to get him back to sleep. I know I shouldn’t complain (and I’m not really) as many parents are up with their kids at that time every day. They are no doubt smarter than me and go to bed a lot earlier than I do. I think there’s a lesson there somewhere…

On the upside, it’s given me a little extra time at the start of my day to write a post on this sadly neglected blog. So much to catch up on.

For his first birthday, I made Connor a vest, so I thought I’d better do the same for Harry. But a summer birthday doesn’t really lend itself to knitwear, so I decided on a pattern which should, I hope, fit him for some time. I even used yarn which I had specifically bought to make something for Harry.  

(Sorry for the blurriness) – how does something this small fit my large (yes, he is a big boy!) child?

Like this:  

That ribbing, it’s REALLY stretchy! This is the Non-Stop Top, and is actually the 2-4yo size! More details on Ravelry.

 (I will just say this – I used a gradient dyed yarn which looked much better in the ball…if I was to have my time again, I would stripe it against itself, which would have been much better. Not to worry…)

In other news, the Sydney Royal Easter Show starts this week. For those who enter the Arts and Crafts competitions, there is a preview night before the Show officially opens. A great opportunity for a sneak preview, especially if you have entered items in the competition…which I did! After battling peak hour traffic in the rain for over an hour, I finally arrived to discover I’d won two Second prizes! One for Harry’s Starburst Afghan, in the Tunisian crochet category:  

and the other for my Convergence Top, in the Adult or Child Garment category: 


I finished it two days before entries had to be delivered. To discover that it only just fits me…so adjustments will need to be made when I get it back from the Show! I will tell you more about it then.

I really didn’t expect to win anything, so these were a lovely surprise.


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8 responses to “Non-stop

  1. Congratulations on the wins!
    And Tunisian Crochet? More GAWK!

  2. Madmad

    Yay for your wins! And yay for such a cute little guy – look at that smile! It ALMOST makes getting up at 5:40 not so, so terrible! And yay for posting! I miss hearing your deets!

  3. First of all he is soooooo adorable. What a cutie and looking quite dashing in that vest. Congrats on winning those prizes. I have had that pattern for that sweater printed out for some time now. I might have to give it a go.

  4. YAY for blurry big boys – and congrats on the show

    What a cutie #2 is!!!

  5. sue

    Congratulations on your wins! Your little boy is growing up fast and there is nothing wrong with big boys, they eventually grow up to be very tall men!

  6. Congratulations! What a fabulous trio of creations – Harry is of course first among them ;>

  7. I thought it must be about time for the Easter Show! I love the idea of it. Your afghan is gorgeous, the colors are bright and just eyecatching. Hard to believe the boys are so big already. (and being one of those people who is up at that hour every morning, yes it is DARK for most of the year). We will just be getting to the light here.

  8. DrK

    you totally deserved those ribbons. i saw a lot of fugly in some photos and those are not it. well done you! that vest is also totally cool. so clever, and so cute on the legend. who is SUCH a chip off the old block. there is no disputing the genetics in your family that’s for sure.

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