Sunday Sky: Jacaranda watch – week 3

Gah! Still no blooms!

In the absence of jacaranda blooms, let me show you our callistemon (or bottlebrush as I always call it):

And our little shrubby rose bush, which has a few early blooms:

and which promises to burst forth full of flowers very soon:

What a lovely spring day today! Come on Jacaranda, you’re missing all the action!


Filed under Blogtoberfest

14 responses to “Sunday Sky: Jacaranda watch – week 3

  1. lovely. The little red rose is so pretty. The jacaranda's clearly taking its own sweet time.

  2. Every time I see a Jacaranda in flower I find myself wondering if yours has flowered yet…no luck. I'm sure it will be full of beautiful flowers at the same time as your shrubby rose bush.

  3. It's always been my understanding that jacarandas flower in Queensland in October, New South Wales in November, Victoria in December and Tasmania in January. I love the way they flower consecutively as you go further south.I always said that one day I will plan a trip from north to south, following the jacaranda seasons.

  4. I'm relieved that it's not your jacaranda that signals the absolute deadline for exam study!

  5. Ours aren't in bloom here in the blue mountains either, but down at my mothers in the Hills District they are out in full force. Soon…

  6. I just saw a flame tree in bloom next to a jacaranda in bloom – I'm sure it's just a matter of days before it goes off for you.And then, we all know, it's birthday time when the jacaranda blooms isn't it?AD

  7. Jan

    I went to the city by train today. Nothing at all visible on jacaranda front till St Leonards going down. A couple of shivery looking blooms perhaps at Artarmon but nothing at all for all the way really up to here from St Leonards. I think the unseasonable cold weather and the gale force winds have frightened them all.

  8. Em

    I'm looking forward to seeing the pictures of your jacaranda all covered in blooms, I've never seen one before. (sure, i could google it, but where's the fun and anticipation in that, i ask you?) I am loving all the pictures of plants and flowers, they're such a delicious change from the weather in these parts.

  9. Between you and Bells' shots of the gorgeous flowers, it was a nice dose of spring! We need it here in our rainy, windy, cold. Those red flowers are so pretty.

  10. i've never seen bottlebrush before – it's so pretty! these photos are all lovely really. i'm so glad you have spring.

  11. Considering it has been a cold and rainy October so far, it's lovely to escape into your spring.

  12. WOT! still no blueness?although everything else looks just gorgeous!

  13. You've got sunshine and roses, now where are the whiskers on kittens?I love that red rose, mmmm.

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