Sing it with me!

Guild on my birthday

Yarn-bombing friends

Suzy Hausfrau yarn

Farncy desserts

Brown paper packages tied up with string…

See, you know it! Sing it with me:
These are a few of my favourite things!

And because I suspect you will ask…
The dessert is called Gaytime Gone Wild – an upmarket take on a classic Australian ice-cream called, yes, a Gaytime (actually not one of my favourite ice creams but this dessert – oh my!)
And the contents of that brown paper package:

On the left is baby alpaca and the wild purple, lime and natural yarn is Swans Island fingering. LUSH! To quote another Australian classic (heh), do yourself a favour and check out Suzy Hausfrau’s yarns now!


Filed under GoodGoodies

8 responses to “Sing it with me!

  1. DrK

    one of my favourite things is the festival of scorpio. i think we need to write ourselves a song. something with the words ‘its hard to have gaytime on your own’ 🙂 i cant believe i didnt buy any of the swan island.

  2. I plan to make a Suzy hausfrau order soon, that yarn was gorgeous. As was the dessert! Oh my. So glad you had such a happy birthday, hooray for the festival of Scorpio!

  3. i checked out Suzy Hausfrau at her pop up shop. Was well worth it!

  4. Madmad

    Sounds like a very, very happy birthday! I’m so glad! What are you doing with the Swan’s Island? I’ll be curious to hear how you like it! Happy Day, Missy!

  5. And I missed it! I’m not sure what I regret most – the gaytime, the yarn, or just the general air of festivity. Happy, very belated, birthday wishes.

  6. Hee happy birthday lovely

  7. ooh, what a day! happy birthday, fellow scorpion – looks like you celebrated in style 😉

  8. I enjoyed the sing-a-long!! It’s so hard to have a Gaytime on your own!! Lovely wool, it is so pretty especially the lime!!

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