Tag Archives: Shoes

SHOESday: a welcome return!

So few new shoes lately. But when I saw these I could not stop thinking about them. The shoes you get when you are too much of a scaredy cat to get the real thing!

I really don’t do pain very well, so a real tattoo was never on the cards for me. Plus there’s no way I could make a decision on something to be etched on me permanently. What if I changed my mind?

The problem with these shoes (a brand called Hot Chocolate) is that there are too too many cute options – all the same basic mary jane shoe shape, but such cute and unique designs. I found it really hard to narrow it down to these. I just may buy one or two (or three) pairs more…

In the meantime, I’ll make do with these – I’ve worn them twice this week already and I only received them yesterday, heh.


Filed under SHOESday

SHOESday: rockin’ it (or something)

I guess I’m having a mid-life crisis. Or reverting to my youth. Or something. Because last week I bought these:

Trust me, they are much brighter YELLOW in real life!

I did think about them quite a bit before I took the leap, as phrases such as “mutton dressed up as lamb” went through my head. But then the 40-something adult in me took over, the one who doesn’t really care what people think of my appearance, the one who wants to inject a bit of fun (and, let’s face it, practicality) into my winter wardrobe.

The one who is totally going to ROCK these boots.


Filed under SHOESday

SHOESday: yellow!

I know! It’s SHOESday! It’s been a long time…

Since I threw out about 10 pairs of shoes on the weekend (I KNOW!), and the sales are still on, I decided to treat myself. (I even redid my pedicure for you!)

How could I resist these? Sensible comfortable flats:

In yellow! With built-in tape measure!

Perfect for wearing to knitting get-togethers or sewing days…if only the tape measure was to scale, heh!


Filed under sewing, SHOESday